Headshot Kellie Mowrey

Kellie Mowrey

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

Pronouns: She / Her

Helping those who are neuro-divergent and navigate through the mess the world sometimes throws at us and break free from the stresses and anxieties of life.

Specialties: Neuro-divergence, Discouragement, Anxiety, and Struggles with Self-esteem and Self-image

(Ages 5+)

A Little Bit About Me:

The word “neuro-divergent” is somewhat misleading because the reality is that we are all a little divergent from one another. No one thinks exactly like another. Divergent means diverse and we are all unique and diverse in the way that we see the world around us. And although we can’t know exactly what it is like to walk in another’s shoes, we can understand another person’s sadness, pain, discouragement, and struggles. We can learn about a person’s story ie., where they are from, what they feel defines them, what they need, and where they want to go.

Through these differences and similarities, we’re able to communicate and connect with others in the most meaningful ways. My mission and path, I’ve always felt, has been to work to care, to listen, to encourage, to lift up, and to support those from all walks of life.

For a lot of my life, I moved around to different parts of our country and across oceans. While I loved learning about the beauty of diversity, I couldn’t stay in any one place long enough to learn how to fit in. I rarely had the opportunity to really get to know people or to form meaningful connections. I spent many years feeling socially awkward and out of place, like I was different from everyone else,

However, after years of struggling with this I came to a point in my life when I learned to see the strength and the beauty I had within myself. I learned to appreciate the differences and recognize that I had something to offer this world. We each have something good to offer this world.

You have the ability to rise above challenges!

You have the strength within you to weather through life’s storms, defeat feelings of discouragement, and win the battle over doubt. There is hope even when things seem hopeless and there is clarity when we are surrounded in confusion. We all have strength and beauty within ourselves but there are times in life when we need someone to show us what it looks like and how to find it.

It can be hidden by difficult memories, stressful events, and unfair circumstances but it is present in every one of us. Sam J. Miller is quoted as saying,”We are not our trauma. We are not our brain chemistry. That’s part of who we are, but we’re so much more than that.” What a beautiful truth!

How I can Help:

Experiences are incredible learning opportunities. They teach us how to understand and connect with others. I am thankful that my experiences have taught me about caring for others and helping them on their healing journeys. They have taught me how to truly listen, to know when someone needs compassion and kindness, and they have taught me to be genuine.

My approaches are eclectic as I believe our unique needs require unique methods; however,currently my training is in DBT, Mindfulness, Art therapy, and Play Therapy. DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) focuses on building a positive quality of life. It teaches us how to better understand our emotions and defeat negative thoughts. DBT gives us tools we can use to improve our relationships with others but also with ourselves.

Mindfulness involves the practice of living in the present. It can help relieve stress and encourage the ability to connect with others and to relate to ourselves with compassion and kindness. Art therapy allows me to offer many ways of exploring and expressing our emotions, struggles, desires, strengths,and goals. It helps create a peaceful and safe place where we can feel more free to explore challenges and understand who we are.

Play therapy gives me the opportunity to connect with children and offer them the ability to explore their world, express themselves, and learn in a way that is more meaningful to them. My list of approaches is forever increasing as I feel learning, particularly learning about human kind, is a never ending process.

My Professional Background:

I first earned a minor in Exceptional Education from UCF while working toward a degree in teaching. I loved teaching in that capacity, but I realized that while I have a love for sharing all that education can offer and for instilling a love for learning, my passion lies more in helping people learn how to heal from heartaches, overcome discouragement, and to see and value their great worth. It was for that reason that I began to travel down a path that would allow me to provide counsel and encouragement to the many incredible individuals I have already worked with and hope to work with in the future.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Liberty University where I focused mainly on helping individuals through crisis situations I will soon be receiving a Master of Social Work degree from Indiana Wesleyan University.

I have worked with many courageous survivors of domestic violence in one of our community’s emergency domestic violence shelters and for over ten years I have been striving to empower individuals who have endured the challenges of poverty. I have also had the opportunity to work for over five years with many amazing individuals who identify as neuro divergent.

Cost of Sessions: $40 per session

* Kellie is a student intern completing her Master’s program and is under the supervision of a Florida Qualified Supervisor and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. All clients are staffed with the supervisor regularly. If finances are a problem please see her page on Open Path: Therapy page as she offers a couple lower fee sessions through this site. Space for these are limited. https://openpathcollective.org/clinicians/kellie-major/

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